No organized team practices and instead have fun rides.
For riders new to mountain biking, we highly recommend finding these rides and to find out information on these rides, please contact the coach or team director at
Equipment: Bike, helmet, and a water source.
Bike loans are a possibility to try mountain biking.
Six pre-season practices October - November
Pre-Race Season
Sundays are when we have practice if not for weather disturbances.
Weekend: Saturdays make up day for practice if the weather is bad on Sunday.​
Weekdays: Limited chances to ride in the evenings with potential off-bike training.
Race Season (2023-2024)​​
There are six races this season with the first being a time trial.
The first race is a time trial at Munny Sokol Park, Tuscaloosa, AL from February 24-25.
The second race is at Historic Blakely Park, Spanish Fort, AL from March 9-10.
The third race is at Ft. Mclellan, Anniston, AL from March 23-24.
The fourth race is at John Hunt Park, Huntsville, AL from April 6-7.
The fifth race is at the University of Montevallo, Montevallo, AL from April 20-21.
The sixth race, the state championship, is at Tannehill Historic Park, McCalla, AL from May 4-5.
For more information, please visit the ACA webpage.​
Race Weekend Schedule
Evening course set up
9 AM - 11 AM Pit Zone set up
11 AM - 1 PM Middle School Pre-ride
1:00 PM Middle School Boys A
1:30 PM Middle School Boys B
2:10 PM Middle School Girls
3:00 PM High School Pre-ride
4:00 PM Middle School Awards
10:30 AM Alternating HS riders (Girls or boys - Varsity, JV1, JV2, Fresh)
12:15 PM Remaining HS riders
Volunteering for Races
Race weekends are executed with the help of volunteers.
Teams are requested to provide 1 volunteer per every 4 registered riders.
Jets parents are requested to fill two volunteer slots per season.
Volunteer slots include both on-course and off-course positions that occur in time slots before, during, and after races.
Slots do not require background training, although some slots, Roving Marshall, for example, involve biking long distances.