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  • What is Jets MTB?
    Jet MTB (Mountain Biking Team) is a competitive mountain biking team loosely associated with James Clemens High School. The term “loosely associated” is used because we are not an official James Clemens club, nor do we have faculty representation. The league allows school associated teams and composite teams. When enough riders attend a high school, that group to form a school associated team. The team is open to anyone 6th -12th grade that is zoned for James Clemens High School. That is the limit of the official association. Competition insurance, background checks for coaches, and all other official activities are provided by the league. The Jets MTB competes in the Spring but feel free to contact a coach in the off season to find out more.
  • Who can be a Jet on Jets MTB?
    Anyone zoned for JCHS, regardless of whether you attend there or not (homeschool, private school, etc) is welcome to join us. The youngest age is 6th grade, and after you graduate you have to be a coach.
  • Do you have to compete to ride with the Jets?
    No. The league supports both competition goals (racers), and adventure goals (people who just like to mountain bike). Our activities often lean towards the racing side, but anyone is welcome and we have people that aren’t racing.
  • Can I play other sports or pursue other activities?
    One of the key elements of Jets MTB is that we do our best to work around other activities. We want our riders to be able to play in the band, join clubs and teams, or other things at the school. Our competition activities are in the Spring, on the weekend. Certain sports, like track and baseball, compete exactly opposite the team, which means you would have to make a choice on which you would compete in. (that doesn’t mean you cannot ride with us in the summer or fall) There is no team penalty for missing practices for other activities. As with any sport, success is determined by practice and training, but if a rider is getting his cardio workout from another sport, the impact is lessened.
  • What equipment is required?
    To ride, a bike, helmet, and water bottle (or camel back). (more details below and on "Bike Buying" page) Recommend you also have gloves and safety glasses.
  • What are the bike requirements?
    Mountain bike sized at 26", 27.5", or 29" (recommend you see our Bike Buying page)
  • What does it cost?
    NOTE: these fees are all for the official season. Other than your equipment (bike, etc), there are 3 fees. League fee – this fee covers insurance and is required for all riders that participate in official For 2022 this fee was $175. Race package – this fee covered all 6 race events. (race events can be cancelled, in 2019 we had one cancelled and one rescheduled) This fee is $100 and is only required if you compete. Jets MTB team fee – The required team fee has $25 but in some years we have waived the fee. This is a year to year decision based on needs. This covers team expenses. In addition to the fee, we request new riders to purchase a jersey: $50. There are optional choices for: team riding pants: $50 (plain black shorts are acceptable); spirit wear items - we will offer a select set of items (dry fit shirt, hoodie) with the logo and our sponsors. The only required item is the jersey which is required for racing.
  • How do I find out more or join?
    Joining us is easy. Ask a rider at school, or email our us: . If you see us at a ride activity (Tuesday Night Kids Ride, HAMR Time Trial Series, Jet Night, other race, etc) feel free to walk up and ask. We WANT new riders.
  • When will riding start?
    Jets MTB starts in Oct when the season starts. If you want to ride out of season, most of us will be riding throughout the summer at various locations and times. These are not official and are put on by other organizations. Feel free to contact the coaches and we'll help you find a place to ride.

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