Box Store Bikes

Derailleur Hanger

Full Suspension Mountain Bike
Disc Brakes
Bike Tire Size
ACA rules specify that your bike must be at least a 26 inch wheel mountain bike.
Currently, MTB bikes come in 26, 27.5, and 29 inch wheels.
Box Store Bikes Not Recommended!
A race course is 4-5 miles, and HS riders make anywhere from 2-4 loops in a race.
A box store bike (Walmart, Academy, etc) is usually designed for approximately 100 miles of use.
If you train hard to compete at that distance, you need to be used to riding double your race distance at a steady pace.
It is legal and has been used before.
The biggest issue is that when something breaks, is very hard to fix a part, and you are almost back to buying a replacement bike.
Recommended Features in Your Mountain Bike
1) Does it have a derailleur hanger?
This part is designed to bend or break before the derailleur or frame in a crash.
If the bike doesn't have it, likely, that the bike isn't maintainable.
2) Is the front crank modular/ are the front sprockets bolted or riveted in place?
If you see rivets in front, again, this bike is probably not built to sustain rough use.
3) Does it have front and rear disc brakes/ do they have standard bolt-on mounting points?​
If you see rim brakes or the brake caliper is not mounted in a standard bolt-on configuration, then that is another reason why that bike is not the best option.
You'll notice this by the two bolts parallel to the wheel above and below the caliper.
If you buy at a bike shop, all of the above will be handled easily, but if you are looking for a minimum cost by buying used or online (or other), these general rules will help prevent you from buying a bike that might be below the level you want to ride.
Optional Features
Races are XC, meaning they include equal amounts of climbing and decent and so weight matters.
There are multiple features available for MTB, including tubeless tires, carbon frames, full suspension frames, dropper posts, 1X chainrings, reduced weight, etc.
Any coach will be happy to discuss these options with you if you ask, but each of us will tell you we have our personal preferences.
Each feature comes with a price, and weight drops as the price goes up.
Additional Information
The ultimate answer is we recommend you talk to the bike shops.
They can provide you the best detail on what each feature costs and you can try out multiple bikes.
The only additional information we'll offer is that many of the major brands offer a discount for bike purchases to league riders.
This discount varies by brand and changes year to year.
The second tidbit is that there is a strong resell market for bikes in the league community.
You can consider buying used or selling if/when you want to upgrade.
Used Bike Website Links
(facebook - Only MTB Swap Meet, requires permission but open upon request)